Where have you been, Losing time

Where have you been?  Around…I promise to get more consistent with posting here.  I am a retired person and shouldn’t be as busy I am.  Not sure where all my time goes, but it does.  Have you been losing time?  I do all the time!  Where have you been?  I have been living life.  There is grocery shopping, doctor appointments, house cleaning, repairs & maintenance things to do, TV shows to catch up on, some part-time catering to do, and a little last minute traveling to drag your best neighbor (because I love & miss her) back to Texas from the icy cold of upstate NY!  All this stuff gets in the way of my crafting time in one way or another.  I swear (over the last 2 1/2 years) I am busier now than when I worked full-time.

What am I going to do about it?  I am going to start pairing down all these activities.  I am going to put things on a schedule and try my darnedest to follow said schedule.  I am exhausted and don’t realize it till I find 5 minutes to stop and realize it.  Then I lose more time because I do have to catch up on sleep!  So, scheduling is going to be my best friend from now on.

Where have you been?  This is my new mantra.  The answer from now on is on my calendar in a time slot designated for a specific activity.  I am using a digital format right now (and I sometimes double book myself), but I am going to start using that $40 planner I bought (some time ago) so I have a physical view instead of a little chime coming from my phone reminding me of something I completely forgot I booked myself into.  All the big-time organizers say to keep one calendar to make your life simple.  Too many places make for a lot of double booking and a lot of upkeep & maintenance.  However, everything will still go into the digital calendar as well because I don’t want to lug a planner around with me.  I want to paper-train myself first to make it a habit and make my brain aware that I must check the calendar before I say yes.

So if you are always asking yourself “Where have you been” and keep losing time, get a paper calendar and write it all out so you can see it plainly.  It’s not going to hurt to also put it in your phone calendar as long as you write it all out first.  I want more quality time with my family & friends and this is the way to achieve that for me.  Happy Calendaring people.  Come back to see what I am up to next…I promise it will be interesting and most probably creative!

Get your crafting on!

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